What is the storage limit for videos on Kartra (how many videos can you have until you reach the limit)?
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The storage limit for videos hosted on Kartra is not based on how many videos you have, it’s based on the bandwidth you’re using.
Bandwidth is measured by the size of the files (videos, images, PDFs, everything) you are hosting on Kartra and also each time someone views those videos.
When you’re on the Starter Plan with Kartra your Bandwidth is limited to 50GB, and when you upgrade to Silver or above you have Unlimited Bandwidth.
So if you’re on the Starter Plan, you will be fine to host a VSL (video sales letter), or a few short videos, but you wouldn’t want to host all of your 15 hour course videos on Kartra.
If you’re on the Starter Plan I’d recommend keeping an eye on your Bandwidth usage in your Profile under Billing, as overage fees are quite high.
If you’re not wanting to upgrade to Silver, I recommend hosting your videos on either:
Vimeo: if you want something easy to use with Kartra, the starting plan is pretty affordable
Searchie : if you’d like the benefit of automatic transcriptions and captions for your videos and your video content to be searchable
Dubb : if you would like the added benefits of creating video emails
Since I share marketing strategies with awesome people like you, naturally my content may contain affiliate links for products I use and love. If you take action (i.e. subscribe, make a purchase) after clicking one of these links, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you.

What is the storage limit for videos on Kartra (how many videos can you have until you reach the limit)?