How does Kartra define Active and Inactive Leads?

An Inactive lead in Kartra (red dot) is a lead that is not subscribed to any Lists or Sequences.
An Active Lead in Kartra is subscribed to at least one List or Sequence.
This is standard and you can’t edit or customize what designates a Lead as Active or Inactive.
A best practice is to always subscribe new Leads to your “Master List” (important news and updates) at the very least – in addition to anything else like a delivery Sequence or a Newsletter List, etc.
Set this in every Form and Product (and any other lead entry point) so that new Leads start out Active.
That way you can tell that Inactive leads have chosen to unsubscribe from everything (all the Lists and Sequences they were on, including the Master List). They’re indicating they no longer want to receive email from you.
Keep in mind that Inactive Leads aren’t automatically removed from your Leads unless they request to be completely deleted.
Also, you may need to keep Inactive Leads if they are supposed to continue to have access to a Membership. Deleting them would remove their access. So you may need to keep some Inactive client leads and just not email them.

How does Kartra define Active and Inactive Leads?